Essays on 
the Craft of Dramatic Writing
by Bill Johnson

This site offers writers new ideas on the essential elements of storytelling through reviews of popular novels, plays, and screenplays that explore the a story is a promise concept.

--Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson
Site Awards

StudyWebStudy Web Award
Key Web Resource Award

All material on this web site copyright 1998-2024 Bill Johnson; all rights reserved.

Principles of Storytelling

Perceiving the Foundation of Storytelling

Embedding Story Ideas in Action

Writing Down a Story's Spine

Novel Reviews that Explore Story Structure

Environment as Character, Notes on Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird

Conveying a Character's Journey on the First Page of a Novel

All the Light We Cannot See, Complex Story, Simple Questions

Writing About Class in Ameria, notes on The Great Gatsby

Movie Reviews that Explore Principles of Storytelling

Arrival, Using a Timeline to Tell a Story

Shawshank Redemption, Writing to a Dramatic Purpose

Premise and Mystery, a review of The Usual Suspects

Play Reviews that Explore Principles of Creating Drama

Romeo and Juliet, the Power and Passion of Love and Hate, a beat by beat review of Act One

Narrative Tension of Hamlet

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, the Power of Ambiguity

Play Productions

Bill Johnson Play Productions

(6/28/2024. I unexpectedly ended up in a recovery mode before I could complete a transition to a new host. As I'm able, I will recreate a slimmer web site on Host Gator.

Bill Johnson).
